From the Bottom, Up: June 5, 2019
Bill and I unveil our new Triple Bottom tees at Philly Beer Week!
I’m trying to find a metaphor to describe the energy and exhaustion and willpower and teamwork that define these last few weeks for us. It feels like a relay, maybe, except we’re all carrying a whole bunch of batons and people from the crowd are handing us more, and also helping us carry some of them, and we’re out of breath, and laughing at how mad this is, and everything is happening all the time. It’s mostly great, but we could all use a three-day nap.
Kyle watches over our collaboration beer at Tannery Run.
On Friday, we participated in our first ever Philly Beer Week event. We brewed a very hoppy New England IPA with our friends at Tannery Run, and named it Gleeok because Tannery Run names their beers after dragons, and Gleeok is a dragon with three heads, and we have three bottom lines. (I had to Google this.) Opening Tap of Beer Week was the first big beer festival where I’ve ever poured beer. We’ve had our beers at small community events for the most part, so an event with more than a thousand beer lovers was a whole new experience. It was so fun to set up and share beers with all the other brewery folks who’ve advised us along the way, and make new brewery friends throughout the evening. And even though we didn’t brew the beer on our own system, it still felt like a milestone to have beer with our name on it out in the world in such a big way. The first time of many!
We’ll be using thrifted chairs that we paint with some Triple Bottom colors. Here’s Sola doing a trial run!
Right now, brewing beer is a momentous occasion for us, as we still wait for our water to be hooked up to our tanks. We are very impatient for this to be a daily occurrence, but for now we’re navigating all the challenges of a complicated build-out, getting our furniture together, setting up payroll, taxes, and insurance, and finalizing the training schedule for our new team. We’d been pushing to be open this spring, but it was not meant to be. So here’s to Triple Bottom opening in Summer 2019. It’s going to be the best summer ever.